What is Glaucoma?
Glaucoma is the overall name given to the condition in which the pressure in the eye is not at the correct level for the eye to function normally. People of all ages can get glaucoma, though people over 40 are usually more prone to this condition.
Causes of glaucoma
Each eye must function at an optimal pressure. A normal eye allows fluid to drain through and filter away through a complex drainage network. When this becomes blocked (or the eye produces too much fluid), a rise in pressure can cause problems.
Glaucoma can develop without the patient's knowledge and if left untreated can often lead to blindness.
If you have a family history of glaucoma it is very important that you get checked regularly. People over 40 should also be checked as a matter of routine and on a regular two year basis.
Early detection is very important as damage caused by glaucoma usually cannot be reversed.
Risk factors for glaucoma
Although it can happen to anyone, some people are at a greater risk of glaucoma if they have one these conditions:
Eye trauma
Short sightedness
Cortisone (steroids) drug use (past or present)
Family history
High blood pressure
If you are in one of the above groups, we recommend regular check ups from the age of 35.
Treatment for glaucoma may include eye drops, medication such as tablets, and also lasers and surgery.